jeudi 24 juin 2010

Les portes de notre imagination ... The doors of our imagination ... Maria Monteiro et Julien Pascual

"Un cri"

Avec une amie, je partage une émotion très forte devant les œuvres de Julien Pascual, dont j'ai déjà parlé sur ce blog.
Maria a écrit un superbe texte (en portugais, sa langue maternelle et en anglais) sur ce qu'elle ressent devant les oeuvres de Julien, texte qui mérite d'être publié car il nous incite à faire silence, au delà de nos rêves et de nos réalités, sur une fenêtre ouverte sur le monde de maintenant, d'aujourd'hui, de demain. ...

"Demain Peut Etre"

Num de repente uma foto quadrada e outra e mais outra tocaram a liberdade da imaginação, as palavras da interpretação, a poesia sem palavras... A certeza de sermos apenas um instante, um ponto na imensidão. O olhar deteve-se para aprofundar a descoberta. Singelo como a nossa própria existência na imensidão das possibilidades. Para além dos nossos sonhos, das nossas realidades, encontram-se distintas as marcas, as memórias que criamos em nosso redor, captadas pelos olhar atento do fotógrafo e artista.
À mente é permitido deambular pelas cenas quotidianas em que o mar e a terra se tocam, e, até, procurar uma identificação ou, somente, por oposição, esperar ouvir o nosso pensamento desligar-se e ser ultrapassado por outros mundos, outras vivências, instantes felizes, paralelos ao nosso, com que podemos olhar o nosso próprio mundo e lembrar o nome do artista.
E às vezes essas mesmas formas de arte são como uma janela aberta para o mundo de agora, o hoje, o amanhã, ou para momentos passados, congelados intencionalmente para abrir a porta da nossa imaginação e escrevermos mentalmente a história, tal como a imaginamos. E se de outra forma pudessem ser descritas... Sê-lo-iam, para mim, como poesia visual..."

A window was slowly opening to a perfect square and the imagination felt free and dreams were worth because words weren't enough to explain to the mind that those were images, those weren't poems with words... We feel or see ourselves in an instant, or just as a tiny spot in the wilderness, or just outdoors. We feel that's a moment in time which make us want to imagine more. Sometimes the images seem simple as our own existence, in the vastness of all possibilities that the world allows to have, feel and imagine. Beyond our dreams and our realities, the memories we create around us are captured by the eyes of the photographer and artist allowing us to imagine a bit more, to write our own thoughts on what we are seeing.
The mind is allowed to wander through the everyday events, where the sea and earth touch and feel as one, and we expect to hear our thoughts and be overtaken by other worlds, other experiences, some great happy moments or just the silence...
And we look around to find the name of the artist.
And again we notice the mirrors onto the world now, today, tomorrow, or to past moments, frozen in time, to open the doors of our imagination... And if they could be described by me ... I would call them poetry."

Photo ©Maria Monteiro "Luminous"

Blog de Maria Monteiro :
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10 commentaires:

  1. Que d'émotions dans cette image ! Magnifique !!... Toutes mes félicitations à Maria !

  2. Merci Anne... What a beautiful post and message...


  3. It is you who wrote this beautiful post and message, Maria. I only transcribe your words so beautiful and so strong...
    Ton message est celui d'une femme de coeur.
    D'ailleurs tu as reçu les félicitations de Pat, que je remercie vivement pour son passage. Bisous à toutes les deux.

  4. Merci. We are surrounded by great artists and surely by great hearts as well... :)

  5. YOU are an artist, Maria. It is for this reason that I wanted to associate one of your photos to those of Julian. There are a lot of emotion and artistic sensibility in your photos and in your words ...
    YOU have a wonderful heart too ;)♥

  6. Magnifique ...
    Bravo à Maria
    Contente de voir tout ce petit monde réunis !✿ツ


  7. Wonderful Maria !!! Nice to see you back here ! Yes, this is poetry, your words are so beautiful, your picture soooooooooooo fracile and wonderful !!! Glad to write a comment here, and thanks Julien, you are a great photographer !!! Merci Mum's, pour toujours partager ces belles choses avec nous !!! Bisouxxxxxxxxxx à vous tous !!! Mym's ...

  8. Merci Ariane et Mym's pour votre passage et vos gentils commentaires que je vais transmettre à Maria. Cela lui fera plaisir, j'en suis certaine.

  9. Quel texte merveilleux qui saisit et nous laisse approcher l'indicible !
    Merci à Maria et aussi à Julien pour avoir inspiré cette poésie des sensations et des mots pour les faire partager.

  10. Oui Annick, vous avez l'art toutes les deux, Maria et toi, de laisser "parler l'indicible" et également votre coeur. Soyez en toutes les deux remerciées.
